How does psoriasis "work"?

Psoriasis is caused by chronic inflammation, leading to uncontrolled skin cell proliferation. While the life cycle of healthy cells lasts about a month, cells affected by psoriasis go through this cycle in a matter of days.

As a result, they accumulate on the skin's surface, causing visible patches.

The scales on the skin of people with psoriasis may not always be present – the condition sometimes cycles, during which it flares up for a period and then subsides.

During flare-ups, psoriasis symptoms worsen, which also negatively affects the mental state of people with psoriasis.

Psoriasis also affects everyday life

As a person with psoriasis, you may have encountered feelings of shame or helplessness. The condition also affects self-esteem and can cause worries about the future, anxiety, or stress, which paradoxically is one of the most common triggers of psoriasis.

Depression is also common, especially in patients with severe forms of psoriasis.


Unpleasant confrontations

People who have not encountered the condition may not know that psoriasis is not contagious. It is caused by an individual's immune system malfunction and cannot be transmitted to another person.

Due to fear of the unknown, these individuals may react inappropriately or choose inappropriate words, significantly affecting the person with psoriasis. That is why it is important to talk about the condition and educate those around you.

Clothing and sports choices

Psoriasis flare-ups can also complicate everyday activities. For example, choosing clothing may not be easy and can take a lot of time – tight clothes can irritate the skin, while dark clothing can highlight flaky scales. Therefore, wearing loose-fitting light clothes is advisable, as it allows the skin to "breathe."

Clothing choices are also related to another limitation concerning sports. People with psoriasis often feel embarrassed to shower in public showers, undress in public locker rooms, or wear short hairstyles that reveal psoriatic lesions. Sweating during sports can also be a problem.

Interpersonal relationships

The condition can also impact interpersonal relationships, as people with psoriasis may isolate themselves and feel unattractive. They may have difficulty forming relationships or integrating into groups, as they often avoid group activities due to concerns about people's reactions to their condition.

A significant portion of people with psoriasis also report that the condition negatively affects their sexual life.


Functioning at work

Psoriasis often affects the workplace as well. For people with visible symptoms, finding a job can be more challenging. Since psoriasis may require frequent visits to the doctor, it is necessary to consider working hours when looking for employment.

Furthermore, some occupations are unsuitable for patients with psoriasis because they involve skin contact with irritants. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid working in wet environments or jobs that require contact with chemicals.

Severe psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis can also cause work disability. If you are unable to work due to psoriasis, you can apply for disability benefits.

How to manage negative emotions?

Negative emotions are common when dealing with health issues. However, it is essential not to let them overwhelm you and to address them. If you suffer from anxiety or depression, it is best to seek help from a therapist who can assist you in coping with the situation.

Connecting with other people who have psoriasis and are going through similar experiences can also be helpful.

Lastly, it is important to communicate with your surroundings, who may not have sufficient information about psoriasis. It is good to explain your situation to your family, friends, colleagues, or new partner through open discussion, so they understand what you're going through, helping to avoid negative situations.

Keep in mind that difficulties associated with psoriasis cause stress, which can worsen the symptoms of the condition. Therefore, it is crucial to learn how to cope with stress – activities like exercise or meditation can be helpful.

You can find more tips on how to deal with stress here.

Treatment also benefits your mental health

You will help your mental health the most by deciding to treat psoriasis and get it under control. Although it is a condition that cannot be completely cured, its symptoms can be significantly alleviated.

There are several different treatment options available. The choice of treatment depends on the stage of the disease. While mild psoriasis is treated locally with creams or ointments, systemic or biological treatment is suitable for more severe cases. If you want to learn more about which treatment is suitable for you, read our informative article.

Non-pharmacological treatments such as phototherapy or stays in specialized spas can also help alleviate the symptoms of psoriasis. Moreover, the state may help you cover some of the costs associated with treatment, including spa stays and certain other expenses.